Vaccine Builder

In this predator-prey adapted game, the class is split into two groups: viruses and unvaccinated.

The goal of the virus is to infect everyone, while the goal of the unvaccinated is to collect data to build a vaccine while avoiding misinformation. Once a vaccine is built, the unvaccinated win. Additionally, marked spaces such as hula hoops may be used to represent social distancing measures. Data and misinformation may represent bean bags.

Before playing, an assessment tool will be used to judge what the kids know before playing. A short class discussion should occur as well, explaining the rules and teaching about the basics of the science used in this game.

How to Play Vaccine Builder:

  • 5 bean bags per about 15 students
  • 2 zones on a field far enough apart that kids can comfortably throw bean bags across
    • Either use the painted lines of a soccer pitch or cones to divide the zones
    • Hula hoops can also be used for the Science Zone to limit the spaces the unvaccinated can occupy
  • 1-2 pinnies for the starting virus(es)

The Setup

A) As seen above, there are two zones – the Health Measures Zone (left) and the Science Zone (right). At the start, all the unvaccinated kids (the blue circles) collect together in the Health Measures Zone while the virus (two kids) is in the middle of the two zones.

During the Game

B) The unvaccinated kids must run to the Science Zone and collect the data (bean bags; shown here as antibodies; only one at a time), and get to the other side.
C) Once on the other side, they must throw the bean bags to the Health Measures Zone and if another kid catches it, then they have secured one data point. The unvaccinated kid then must run back to the safety of the health measures. The virus must try to tag people to infect everyone.

Play the game until either a vaccine is built or everyone is a virus!

Once most of the bean bags are collected (ie, one can be left uncollected to prevent puppy guarding), the unvaccinated win and can then “vaccinate” everyone by tagging the infected kids.